Wednesday, August 25, 2010


There are things happening all around us all the time. Things that keep our attention from being internalized. Things that keep us from becoming aware of what is going on around us. There is so much stimuli we tend to block it out and by doing so we block out the stimuli that can benefit us, the stimuli that keeps us informed of what the Creator wants from us, what nature wants from us. Every moment in which we find ourselves has been designed specifically for us in that moment, so lets take advantage of it and start to investigate what that moment is coming to teach us.
How do we become aware? By becoming observers. We must learn to Observe what is going on around us in a passive way that will not affect us unless we choose for it to do so that means, maintaining control over your emotions and actions. You can become an observer by simply closing your eyes wherever you are and training yourself to experience the sensation of the five senses without reacting.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Good morning

it is very important to be aware of what is going on around you. this is how we "chat" with the creator. He speaks to us through the little things the take place around us. it is up to us to keep our eyes open and learn what we can from those things. what is He trying to tell us now? how can we live our lives better? what can we do to benefit the world? what is He showing me by letting me see this thing or hear these words. if it was not meant for me i would not have seen it or heard about it. be aware.